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Compassion Focused Therapy

Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is a holistic approach that blends techniques from person-centered therapy with insights from evolutionary psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, Buddhist psychology, and neuroscience.

CFT offers a perspective that many of our challenges aren't solely the result of personal choices but are deeply influenced by the environment and circumstances we're born into. By shifting away from self-blame and understanding the broader context, a profound sense of clarity and insight emerges.

This therapeutic approach is particularly beneficial for individuals grappling with deep-seated feelings of shame and self-criticism. Such feelings often arise when one hasn't had the opportunity to nurture positive emotions like safety, reassurance, and compassion, especially if they come from backgrounds marked by neglect, criticism, or abuse. Through CFT, the aim is to cultivate an environment where self-acceptance and compassion can flourish, paving the way for genuine healing and growth

Polyvagal Trauma Informed Therapy

Polyvagal Therapy delves into the intricacies of our neurophysiology to foster a sense of safety and connection.

This method proves invaluable for those grappling with challenges in emotional regulation. It operates on the understanding that our autonomic nervous system's behavior is a culmination of both early and ongoing life experiences. By tapping into this knowledge, we can identify and address deep-rooted patterns that might be causing emotional turbulence.

Many individuals, due to various experiences, find themselves perpetually in a "fight or flight" mode. This can lead to feelings of constant anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and a sense of disconnection from the world around them. In some cases, when the overwhelming emotions remain unresolved, it can spiral into depression, leading to feelings of immobilization, numbness, and a foggy state of mind.

Our approach begins with stabilizing these emotions, followed by a comprehensive mapping of your nervous system. Once a stable foundation is established, Polyvagal Therapy is integrated into sessions, guiding clients towards a renewed connection with themselves, others, and the broader world.

Meditative Therapy

Blending mindfulness practices with therapeutic techniques offers a holistic approach to healing.

Initially, we employ mindfulness and focused breathing exercises to calm and center the mind. Once a state of equilibrium is achieved, we allow the innate wisdom of the mind and body to lead us towards clarity and tranquility. This method is often referred to as 'heart-centered' therapy, emphasizing the importance of expressing oneself before transitioning into a state of serene introspection.

This approach resonates deeply with those seeking a spiritually inclined path to self-discovery, introspection, and realizing their inner purpose and contentment

Somatic Therapies & Embodiment Healing

Unveiling the Body's Language: From Stress and Burnout to Renewal and Wellness

Somatic therapies stand as a sanctuary for those battling the tempests of stress, burnout, and emotional upheaval. These therapies embrace the idea that our bodies are more than mere vessels; they're reservoirs of memories, emotions, and untapped healing potential. By tuning into our body's innate wisdom, we begin to unwind the threads of experiences that shape our present state, acknowledging that trauma and stress aren't just mental constructs but live within us physically.

In the whirlwind of life, we often find ourselves trapped in cycles of "fight, flight, or freeze," leading to burnout and a disconnection from our essence. These persistent states are our body's responses to the unresolved and the overwhelming. Somatic therapies offer a path forward, a way to interpret these physical signals not as foes but as guides toward deeper self-understanding and recuperation. Through grounded presence and mindful awareness, we learn to navigate and reshape these responses, transitioning from disarray to harmony.

Our therapeutic journey commences by fostering a safe space, allowing the nervous system to find its equilibrium. We then venture into the body's terrain, heeding its cues and dialogues. As somatic therapies integrate into our sessions, they pave the way for a profound reconnection with the self. This renewed bond transcends the therapy room, extending its influence into every interaction and moment, nurturing a more present and authentic existence.

HeartMath Breathwork

Harness the Heart's Intelligence to Restore Harmony and Resilience

In the midst of life's turmoil, HeartMath techniques emerge as a sanctuary for the mind and soul, a place where the heart's wisdom guides us back to equilibrium. These methods are not mere strategies; they are a journey towards inner synchronization, where heart and mind converge to combat the dissonances of stress, burnout, and lingering emotional fatigue.

By tapping into the heart's rhythmic patterns, we can recalibrate our emotional responses, transforming the way we encounter and process stressors and trauma. This approach isn't about negating life's challenges, but about fostering a resilient core from which we can operate, no matter the external pressures. It's time to rekindle your inner vitality and embrace the transformative power of heart-centered living.

Intention Tapping

Releasing Emotional Attachments: Find Freedom from the Past's Hold

Intention Tapping is a transformative practice that stands at the crossroads of emotional freedom and purposeful living. It's more than a technique; it's a pathway to self-liberation, guiding you through the intricate dance between your deepest intentions and the emotions that sway your heart and mind. In the throes of stress, burnout, fatigue, or the shadows of trauma, this method offers a beacon of hope, illuminating the strength within your own resolve.

By consciously aligning your intentions with specific tapping practices, you engage in a dynamic process of emotional alchemy. This isn't about suppressing negative feelings; it's about acknowledging them, understanding their roots, and then purposefully shifting your focus towards what you genuinely desire to feel and experience. The power of Intention Tapping lies in its ability to help you navigate life's storms with an anchored sense of direction, transforming burdens into stepping stones towards a more balanced and resilient self.

Spiritual Growth and Mentoring

Embracing Inner Peace: Navigating Stress and Fatigue through Spiritual Growth.

In the journey of life, stress, burnout, and fatigue often cloud our true essence, obscuring our path to fulfillment. Spiritual growth and mentoring serve as beacons, guiding us back to our innate wisdom and peace. This transcendent process is not about seeking external solutions, but about harnessing your inner strength and potential, already present yet often untapped due to life's incessant demands.

By engaging in this introspective journey, you learn to rise above life's turbulence, accessing higher states of consciousness and a deeper sense of purpose. It's about releasing the grip of the ego, that relentless inner critic fueled by past traumas and societal pressures, and awakening to the tranquility and power of your true being. This shift doesn't just alleviate stress and exhaustion; it opens the floodgates of peace and vitality, empowering you to manifest a life aligned with your deepest desires and highest self.

"Nichola's sessions are a blend of insight, empathy, and actionable techniques. Whether it's intentional tapping or mindfulness exercises, she always has a tool up her sleeve to help me navigate my emotions. I can't recommend her enough."

Julie A. 


What Is  Rapid Recode?

Unlock Infinite Potential with Rapid Recode & Superconscious Techniques: Transformative Healing Beyond Conscious Limits

Embark on a journey of profound healing and self-discovery with Rapid Recode, a cutting-edge approach that harnesses the boundless wisdom of the Superconscious. This realm, beyond the constraints of our conscious and subconscious minds, holds the key to ultimate knowledge and infinite possibilities. It's here that we find the tools to swiftly rewrite our life's script, recoding narratives that have long fueled stress, burnout, fatigue, and the lingering shadows of trauma.

Rapid Recode is not just a technique; it's a gateway to an elevated state of being. By engaging with the Superconscious, we can uncover and alter the deeply ingrained beliefs and past experiences that dictate our current reality. This transformative process transcends traditional therapy, offering a fast-tracked path to genuine, lasting change. It's about more than healing — it's about empowering you to create the reality you've always desired but felt was just beyond reach.

In sessions focused on these techniques, we delve into a collaborative process, identifying the specific areas where you feel stuck or overwhelmed. Then, through guided practices, we tap into the Superconscious, initiating a powerful dialogue with this higher consciousness. The insights gained from this interaction facilitate a 'recode' of limiting beliefs and emotional blockages, liberating you from the cycles that keep you from thriving. It's time to awaken to your full potential, embracing a life of reduced stress, holistic wellness, and a deep, enduring connection to your truest self.

Rapid Recode


Recovery after sessions

Recovery Rate 93%

6 Number of Sessions

Talk Therapy Alone


Recovery after 600 sessions

Recovery Rate 38%

600 Number of Sessions

How I Work

My Approach to Transformation: A Four-Stage Journey

Discovery & Insight:Even if the problem isn't clear to you, our initial journey begins with a comprehensive exploration. We'll delve deep into your history, unravel the resources at your disposal, and identify the paths that can catalyze your healing and growth.

Strategizing for Change:Sometimes, recognizing the problem is easier than knowing the solution. It's not uncommon to find oneself trapped in this awareness stage, understanding one's issues but feeling powerless to move past them. This is where my approach diverges from the conventional. Instead of lingering, we focus on crafting SMART, achievable goals, propelling you towards tangible progress in a condensed timeframe.

Tailored Treatment Planning:With a clear target in sight, we'll collaboratively design a treatment plan that resonates with your unique needs. My methodology is grounded in evidence-based practices, ensuring our strategy is not only effective but also synergistic with broader healthcare paradigms.

Integration & Actualization:The final ascent involves reaching your specified goals and weaving these new, desired behaviors seamlessly into the fabric of your everyday life. This stage is about solidifying change, celebrating your evolution, and reinforcing your newfound sense of self.

You can find out more about how I work, here – and explore the different issues

with which I can help, here.

"My first chat with Nichola was amazing. I ended up crying happy tears because it felt like something inside me was finally free. I felt so much love and thankfulness. Her voice is really kind, and I feel like I can totally trust her.

We've been talking online, using cool methods that help me understand my thoughts and feelings better. Big things are changing for me. I'm kinder to myself, more accepting, and I've even made some exciting changes in what I do for work! It's awesome to discover new stuff about myself. I know now how much I'm worth, and these talks with Nichola are worth every penny!”

Kelly M.


How It Can Help

Feeling trapped in a cycle of stress, burnout, fatigue, or trauma? Unsure how to break free and reclaim your vitality and joy? My approach is tailored to guide you through this journey, leveraging my extensive qualifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, and various behavior modification therapies.

It all begins with you: your story, your struggles, and your strengths.

We delve into your experiences, not just to unearth the issues but to identify the resources you possess, often without realizing it. This process isn't about focusing on the problems; it's about harnessing your inherent potential and directing it towards tangible, meaningful change.

Our journey doesn't rely on a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it's an integrative, evidence-based strategy drawing from a spectrum of therapeutic techniques (for a detailed insight, please visit my Therapeutic Approaches page for more information).The goal is to find the combination that resonates with your unique circumstances, creating a path forward that feels authentic and achievable.

The transformation you seek isn't just about reaching a destination. It's about integrating these changes into the very fabric of your life, ensuring they're sustainable and enriching. Through this collaborative process, you'll find not just relief but a profound, enduring shift towards empowerment and well-being. Are you ready to take the first step?

"I've been working with Nichola for a while now and it's made all the difference in my life. I have suffered a lot of trauma in my past and I find it hard to manage my stress levels, to have mental clarity or focus in my day to day life. Following my sessions with Nichola I am able to implement the changes I have learned to make my own health better. and I am truly grateful for all the support I have received from Nichola"

Lorraine M.