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"For every challenge you face, there's a path leading to growth and healing."

With Warmth & Understanding, Nichola

I'm here to support women navigating challenges like fatigue, burnout, stress, trauma, and chronic conditions. Drawing from a rich tapestry of tools and methods, I offer a gentle, personalized approach. In our time together, you'll gain tailored exercises, insights, and tools that not only help you understand and manage your emotions but also guide you in building effective strategies for lasting change.

Stress Anxiety

Life often brings challenges, and at times, the weight of stress and anxiety can feel immense. It might lead us to question why we're in its grasp and how to find relief.

Envision starting your day with a sense of tranquility, clarity, and renewed vigor; embracing a state of serenity you've always yearned for. Together, we'll journey towards nurturing and fortifying your mind, addressing the stress, anxiety, and the myriad feelings they bring

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Depression Trauma

Depression and past traumas can manifest as intense emotions, vivid memories, strained relationships, and tangible physical effects, often clouding your essence and spirit.

Together, we'll pave a path towards a brighter, more peaceful state of being, aligning with the true you.

If you yearn to rediscover your inner spark, click the button below to embark on this journey."

This version maintains the essence of the original while offering a fresh perspective

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Unseen Scars: How Hidden Childhood Moments Shape Our Adulthood

Childhood experiences deeply mold our adult perspectives, emotional health, and relationships. These past challenges often lead us to set high expectations for ourselves and those around us, influencing our interactions and decisions.

While these protective measures were essential during our formative years, they might not align with our current selves. Such defences, once vital for our protection, can now perpetuate limiting beliefs and emotional patterns as we navigate the complexities of adulthood."

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Self-Esteem & Confidence

When we gaze into the mirror, it's not just our physical reflection we see, but also the echoes of our past experiences and emotions. Sometimes, this reflection radiates confidence and joy, but there are moments when doubt and self-criticism cloud our perception.

These moments of self-doubt often stem from past challenges, leading to feelings of inadequacy and a hesitancy to voice our needs. Such feelings can hinder our assertiveness, making us question our worth and desires.

Through a combination of neurological healing, nervous system techniques, and mindfulness, we can address these deep-seated beliefs. By fostering self-awareness and embracing holistic healing methods, you can reignite your inner spark.

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Burnout: The Silent Strain

The persistent weight of exhaustion, both mentally and physically, can slowly creep into our daily lives. When this fatigue lingers, overshadowing moments of joy and affecting our performance, it's a clear indication of burnout. This state of chronic stress can leave us feeling drained, detached, and increasingly cynical.

Fortunately, I offer holistic approaches to address and alleviate burnout. Together, we'll work on strategies that rejuvenate your spirit and restore balance, allowing you to thrive without the sole reliance on temporary fixes.

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Addictions Habits

Addiction can be understood as a repeated behavior, stemming from trauma, avoidance, or blocked emotions, to which an individual feels irresistibly drawn. This pull persists even when it adversely affects their life and the lives of those around them.

Just as habits are formed, they can also be broken and transformed. Whether it's an inclination towards overworking, compulsive eating, or any other activity, it often represents an underlying attempt to cope or escape. Recognizing and addressing the root causes can pave the way for genuine healing and change

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Performance Anxiety

Have you ever had to stand up in front of a crowd to present, and for some reason the words you want to say simply just can’t come out? You felt so confident after hours spent rehearsed and going over your script, but when the moment comes, you start to freeze up and stutter once you see everyone looking at you?

This is the brain triggering a fight or flight response, by interpreting your surroundings as “dangerous”. You may feel symptoms such as being overwhelmed and nervous while focusing on what can go wrong. Recode can reverse this feeling and allow your mind to understand the feeling of “all eyes on you” in a positive manner.

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Other Areas

As well as the areas above, I also regularly work with clients in the areas highlighted below:

Find Your Purpose

Purpose is more than just a concept; it's the compass that guides us towards a life filled with meaning and fulfillment. It's the driving force that motivates us to contribute positively to the world, enriching not only our own lives but also the lives of those around us. For many, purpose transcends the boundaries of a job or career, becoming a beacon that illuminates the path to genuine happiness.

While some may find alignment between their profession and purpose, like a therapist driven by a genuine desire to help others, not everyone discovers their true calling in their day-to-day work. Together, we can embark on a journey to uncover your unique purpose and chart a course to activate and embrace it. If you're ready to delve deeper into this transformative exploration, consider scheduling a session with me.

Self Love & Acceptance

Imagine a world where you wholeheartedly embrace every facet of yourself - the strengths, the vulnerabilities, the triumphs, and the imperfections. Envision feeling content and at peace with who you are, without the need for validation or the weight of self-imposed conditions.

True self-acceptance grants us the liberty to live authentically, silencing the persistent inner critic that often clouds our judgment. It's about recognizing our worth without the constant comparisons. If you're yearning to connect with yourself in a deeper, more compassionate manner, consider embarking on this journey with me.


At certain junctures in our lives, we feel an innate pull towards understanding the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This journey towards self-awareness not only illuminates our inner world but also paves the way for lasting joy and a profound sense of inner peace. It's about reconnecting with the untouched parts of ourselves, like our inner child, and truly being present in each moment.

Embracing mindfulness not only fortifies our immune system by alleviating stress but also infuses our daily life with a renewed sense of positivity. As we nurture these practices, they flourish. So, isn't it time we cultivated self-love and kindness?


Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where, despite all the gestures and words, you constantly felt unloved? Where every action of your partner made you question their sincerity, and a nagging doubt lingered that they might eventually find someone "better" than you? This constant questioning and self-doubt can stem from past traumas or deeply ingrained beliefs about self-worth.

Currently, you might be in a relationship where you oscillate between seeking affection when you feel secure and distancing yourself when threatened. This dance of closeness and withdrawal can be draining, making you feel perpetually needy or, conversely, making it challenging to truly open up.

Such feelings, while overwhelming, can be indicators that it's time to reclaim control over your emotions and perceptions. They signal the need to introspect and understand the narratives you've been telling yourself.

By equipping ourselves with healthier mindsets and tools, we can start to view ourselves and our relationships through a clearer lens. This clarity fosters deeper connections, self-acceptance, and genuine love.

Grief & Loss

Navigating through the aftermath of a loss can be an emotionally tumultuous journey. It's natural to oscillate between disbelief, denial, anger, and even guilt. For many, moving through the stages of grief and reaching a place of acceptance and adaptation can feel like an insurmountable challenge.

Incorporating techniques like nervous system regulation and brain retraining, combined with intention tapping, can significantly support your healing journey. These methods can help you process your emotions more effectively, allowing for a smoother transition through the stages of grief.

If you're seeking a compassionate guide to help you traverse this challenging path, consider reaching out for a session. Together, we can work towards finding peace and understanding in the midst of your grief.

Anger, Guilt, Shame & Unhealthy Beliefs

Deep-seated emotions like anger, guilt, shame, and jealousy can often stem from past experiences or unresolved traumas. While anger is a natural emotion tied to our survival instincts, for some, it can become overwhelming, casting a shadow over their daily lives. Similarly, feelings of guilt, shame, and jealousy can be indicative of underlying beliefs or patterns that need addressing.

In our sessions, I integrate techniques from nervous system regulation, brain retraining, intention tapping, and HeartMath. These methods aim to transition you from these overpowering emotions to a more balanced and constructive mindset. Our goal is to uncover the root causes of these feelings, allowing you to understand and transform them.

Together, we'll delve deep to identify and challenge any unhelpful beliefs, ensuring you feel more empowered and in harmony with yourself. By understanding and addressing the core issues, we can pave the way for a more compassionate and understanding relationship with oneself and others.


Have you ever felt a burning desire to achieve something, yet find yourself constantly held back? Perhaps you're often overwhelmed by self-doubt, or a lingering feeling keeps you from chasing your dreams. While occasional dips in motivation are natural, persistent barriers often stem from deep-seated beliefs or past experiences that subconsciously influence our present.

Using a blend of nervous system regulation, brain retraining, and HeartMath techniques, we can uncover and address these underlying factors. Our sessions will focus on reigniting your inner drive, breaking free from limiting patterns, and empowering you to move forward with clarity and purpose.

Are you ready to embrace your potential and navigate life with renewed passion and determination? Schedule a session with me and embark on a transformative journey towards realizing your aspirations.

Parenting And Caregving Responsiblitly

Balancing the roles of parenting and caregiving can be an overwhelming journey, often leaving one feeling stretched thin. Amidst the daily responsibilities, it's easy to lose touch with oneself, leading to feelings of exhaustion, disconnect, and even resentment. The continuous cycle of managing household chores, attending to children's needs, and ensuring their well-being, especially during challenging times, can amplify stress and emotional fatigue. It's not uncommon to feel distant, impatient, or even irritable in such scenarios.

To foster a deeper connection with your loved ones and navigate these roles with grace and patience, techniques like nervous system regulation, brain retraining, and HeartMath can be immensely beneficial. These methods can help in addressing and transforming underlying beliefs that might be hindering your ability to be fully present and compassionate.

Are you ready to rediscover balance, cultivate patience, and strengthen your bond with your family? Schedule a session with me, and let's embark on a journey to nurture harmonious relationships and a resilient mindset.

Pain Management

Experiencing pain, be it physical or emotional, is a complex facet of our existence. It's not always a direct outcome of a tangible injury or an evident mark; often, it's a manifestation of accumulated stress, lingering past traumas, and emotions we've pushed aside. While a physical ache might arise from daily mishaps or after a medical procedure, emotional distress often has its roots in profound experiences, perhaps a heartbreak or traumas from yesteryears.

Delving deep to comprehend the true origin of pain is crucial. For many, this discomfort is intricately tied to past memories, deep-seated emotions, and long-held beliefs. While conventional treatments like medications might provide temporary relief, they often overlook the emotional and psychological roots. Through integrative approaches, including nervous system regulation and brain retraining, we aim for a more profound healing. Adopting a comprehensive strategy, and in tandem with your healthcare providers, our goal is to not merely manage but genuinely understand and mitigate your pain, transforming your relationship with the discomfort you endure.

Sleep Issues

In the stillness of the night, while the world around you rests, you might find yourself grappling with restless thoughts and emotions. Often, this wakefulness can be a manifestation of underlying stress, past traumas, or trapped emotions that bubble to the surface in the quiet hours. The ripple effect of sleepless nights doesn't just confine itself to darkness; it spills over into your days, leaving you fatigued, unfocused, and detached from your true self.

Integrative techniques, such as nervous system regulation and brain retraining, can be pivotal in breaking this cycle of sleeplessness. They not only address the symptoms but delve deep into the root causes, fostering a holistic healing process. Don't let disrupted sleep patterns dim your light. Reach out, book an appointment, and embark on a journey towards rejuvenating sleep and rediscovering your vibrant self.

IBS & Gut Issues

In today's fast-paced world, a growing number of individuals grapple with gut-related issues, notably IBS. Often, this isn't just a result of dietary choices but is deeply intertwined with accumulated stress, unresolved traumas, and suppressed emotions. Our gut is frequently referred to as our "second brain," and it's where many of our suppressed emotions reside, leading to the myriad of gut disturbances prevalent today.

With a blend of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching, and Mindfulness, I offer tools that not only address the physical symptoms but also target the emotional and psychological triggers of IBS. By reducing stress and understanding the emotional underpinnings, you can regain confidence and control over your body. If you're ready to embark on a holistic journey towards gut health and overall well-being, schedule an appointment today.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can often emerge unexpectedly, manifesting not only through physical symptoms like a racing heart and a churning stomach but also deeply rooted in accumulated stress, unresolved past traumas, and suppressed emotions. These intense physical reactions are intertwined with psychological distress, creating a debilitating cycle where one might find themselves living in constant apprehension of the next episode.

Understanding the underlying causes, especially the emotional and psychological triggers, is crucial. If you're grappling with Panic Disorder or recurrent panic episodes, it's essential to recognize that these might be reflections of deeper emotional challenges. Please consider reaching out for support and guidance in navigating through these complex emotions.

Overwhelm & Exhustion

In today's fast-paced world, feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion have become all too common. These aren't just mere states of being tired or having a lot on one's plate; they often have deeper roots, intertwined with accumulated stress, unresolved past traumas, and suppressed emotions. The weight of these emotions can manifest as a constant sense of being drained, both mentally and physically, making even simple tasks seem insurmountable.

Overwhelm and exhaustion can be signals from our body and mind, urging us to pause and address the underlying issues. It's not just about taking a break or getting more sleep; it's about understanding the emotional and psychological triggers that have led to this state.

By delving into these triggers and addressing the root causes, one can find a path to genuine recovery and rejuvenation. If you find yourself constantly battling feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion, it might be time to seek guidance and support, helping you navigate and heal from the deeper challenges you're facing.